Friday, August 7, 2009

Homework 8/7/09

Period 1 & 3
1. Read the William Lyon Phelps speech "Owning Books"
2. Look up words you don't know and look up the definition. Write it on a separate sheet of paper.
(please read the part about Plagiarism in your syllabus)
3. Write at least 1/2 page response to the speech (Did you like it? Why or why not? What did you think of it? etc)
4. Read the syllabus. You will have a quiz on the syllabus on Monday.

For Period 1 only or people absent during 3rd
Write the following "side rules" on the back of your syllabus.
  1. I don't lend out pens or pencils.
  2. Do not write on the whiteboard.
  3. Do not enter my office without permission.
  4. Only 1 student at a time in my office.
  5. Do not move the computers.
  6. Do not leave personal belongings behind (cups, hats, sweaters, crusts, etc)
  7. ONLY use the word NICE to compliment Ms. Ramirez.
  8. I do not give hugs unless absolutely necessary.
  9. I rarely give out or share my food so don't ask.

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