Friday, February 27, 2009

Homework 2/27/09

Period 1
Read pgs. 208-209
Take notes/be ready for Reading Quiz
Post Vocab Sentences.

Period 3
Extra Credit note cards for the four weeks worth of vocab.

Week 2- HOST/HOSP, AM/IM Hostage Hospice hostel inhospitable amicable
inimical paramour enamored
Week 3- CRIM, PROB/PROV Decriminalize recrimination Criminology probity Incriminate approbation reprobate disprove
Week 5- AG, VEN/VENT Litigate agitate synagogue prodigal provenance advent venue venturesome
Week 14- VOR, CARN Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, voracious, carnage, carnal, carnival, incarnation

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Homework 2/26/09

Period 1
Study for Vocab quiz

Period 3
Study for Vocab Quiz
Write at least 5 lines of your Ode to the person you said you admired in last night's homework. If you are lost attempt to model it after Pablo Neruda's Ode to Walt Whitman.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Homework 2/25/09

Period 1

Prepare for Reading assessment/check


  1. Nature
  2. Self-reliance
  3. Resistance to Civil Government
  4. Walden
Consider: theme, author, style, significant/memorable stuff

If you were absent, you should do Sentence Corrections and see me for grammar warm up.

Period 3
Write at least 1/2 page on a person that you really admire or care about. Someone that one could look up to. Describe them thoroughly and describe any events, memories that you remember about them. Try to come up with really good adjectives that may help create an image. I should hopefully be able to feel like I personally know the person you are describing.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Homework 2/24/09

Period 1
Do the quickwrite on page 208 and read the information on the opposite page.
You will have a reading check quiz to ensure that you read the information. It may be helpful for you to take notes on the information, but they will not be due.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Homework 2/23/09

period 3
Answer the "Connect to your life" on Pg. 396 in Ode to Walt Whitman packet (THE MOST RECENT ONE)
It must be at least 1/2 page at least. I will give extra credit to anyone who writes the description AND a poem using the description.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Homework 2/20/09

Period 1
  • Post Vocab Sentences
  • Answer Questions 8 and 9 on pg. 217 in the textbook.
Period 3
  • Post Vocab sentences
  • Read the New Walt Whitman packet that has the poem, "Ode to Walt Whitman"
  • Before you begin, however, look up the following words in the poem and highlight them. Then write the definition on a separate piece of paper.
  • Then, paraphrase each stanza/section that starts with the fancy letter.
  • The words are:
  1. Patriarchal (line 20)
  2. Expanse
  3. Alfalfa
  4. spade (line 61)
  5. acacia (line 85)
  6. persecutions (line 114)
  7. felled (line 129)
  8. wharfs (last page)

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Period 1
Study for Vocab Quiz

Period 3
Study for Vocab Quiz
Finish your video if you did not turn it in already.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Homework 2/17/09

Period 1
1. Complete vocab Sheet (you will turn it in tomorrow)
2. Read pg. 210-216. There will be a reading quiz tomorrow.
If you were absent, you are still responsible for the reading as we did not start it in class, so you did not miss anything pertaining to this homework.

Period 3
  1. Prepare ideas, notes from the book, Internet information and music for your project.
It will be counted as a project (25% of your grade) and it will be worth 40 pts. 10 pts will be given to the paperwork that you turn in as proof of planning and brainstorming. 30 pts will be for the completed video with ALL the fulfilled criteria.
You will have the majority of the period to work on it and it will be due Thursday completed without flaws for the class to view.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Homework 2/13/09

Period 1
Post Vocabulary Sentences for week 19

Period 3
Post Vocabulary Sentences for week 15

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Homework 2/12/09

Period 1
Study for Vocab Quiz

Period 3
  1. Study for Vocab Quiz
  2. Write a 1/2 a page describing which one of Walt Whitman's poems you like best. (from the packet. If you do not have your packet, borrow one from someone ) Explain what it means and why you like it best?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homework 2/10/9

Period 1
Finish the Self-reliance packet
Write ½ page explaining which one of Emerson’s essays you like more.
Period 3
Finish Walt Whitman packet

Monday, February 9, 2009

Homework 2/9/09

Period 1
Answer margin questions 1-6 on pg. 182-183. Turn them into the box tomorrow.
This is what the agenda will look like tomorrow:
1. Turn in Hwk
2. Sentence Corrections (individually)
3. Correcting sentence corrections (as a class)
4. Working on Self Reliance packet in pairs

Hwk: to finish the packet, if not finished in class.

Period 3
Read the Whitman/Dickinson Packet and answer margin questions.
Highlight any information that relates to Walt Whitman.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Homework 2/6/09

Period 1
Post Vocab Sentences
Complete Romantic Works Sheet

Check out the new section (look right) I've included for people that forget they need to make up quizzes. Check for your name.

Period 3

  1. Post Vocab Sentences
  2. Write a paragraph explaining what your first impressions of Walt Whitman are from reading pages 305-311. Do you think he's a cool guy, would you be friends with him? What do you think of him?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Homework 2/5/09

Period 1
Study for Vocab Quiz
Period 3
1. Finish Sentence Corrections
2. Study for Vocab Quiz

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Homework 2/4/09

Period 1
Read pg 179-183
Be ready for a reading quiz

Period 3
Read pg 304-309 and be ready for a quiz.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Homework 2/3/09

Period 1
  • Michelle, Jessica, Anna, Angie do questions 4 & 7
  • Raymond, Michael, Belen, Myra do Questions 5 & 9
  • Kevin, Adrianna, Cody, Marvin do Questions 8 & 8
  • Stacey, Anastacia, Dominique, Jacob do Questions 6 & 10
Period 3
1. Make one poster for each of the poems.
- "Thanatopsis" should be done on the blue paper and "Psalm of Life" should be done on the yellow paper.
a. Choose at least 4 lines from the poem that best summarize the meaning of the poem.
b. Include a visual symbol that shows what the poem is about
c. Include 2-3 sentences describing how the poems represent the Romantic Period.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Homework 2/2/09

Period 1
Write a 1/2 page in which you describe someone who you know has been perfectly fine on the outside, but rotten on the inside. You do not need to give names, but be sure to give details to explain why or how this person is an example of a "rotten tree".

Period 3
Paraphrase each stanza of "Psalm of Life" (Ray, Derranette and Aneisha please disregard)