Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vocabulary Quizzes tomorrow

Period 1
Lesson 2
affect-- column--decay-- exceed-- forbid-- limb-- mammoth-- mature-- permit-- tower

Lesson 4
astound-- attend-- cherish-- contract-- eager-- grace-- modest-- parallel-- paralyze-- pessimist

Lesson 5

administer-- agitate-- capitulate-- hovel-- illiterate-- indifferent-- menial-- respite-- strenuous-- toil

Period 2

Lesson 2
astute-- authentic-- delicacy-- devour-- plumage-- predatory-- scavenge-- slaughter-- solitude-- vulnerable

Lesson 4

acquire-- antagonize-- competent-- comprise-- correspond-- dilapidated-- illustrious-- maintain-- renovate-- reprimand

Lesson 5

abrupt-- attempt-- contempt-- entertain-- mock-- persist-- quaint-- recall-- reject-- revise

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Homework 6/29/11

Period 1
1. Lesson 6 packet
2. 10 note cards
3. Email me a response (any one of the 11 that are due)
4. Read "The Mask of the Red Death"

Period 3
1. Lesson 6 packet
2. 10 note cards
3. Read the first 3 works from the Contemporary sections
4. Check your email for reading comprehension questions. Reply with answers.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Homework 6/27/11

Period 1
1. Lesson 4 Packet
2. 10 note cards from lesson 4
3. Designated word sentences. Look below for the word you were assigned.
Brian- recite
Frankie- pessimist
Lerontae- parallel
Robert M- modest
Johnny- grace
Calvin- expose
Stephen- eager
Chris- contract
Jose- attend
AJ- astound
4. Read all 3 works from the Colonial Period
5. Email me one response from Colonial Time period.

Period 3
1. Lesson 4 packet
2. 10 note cards
3. Designated sentences (assigned in class)
4. Read Modernism reading assignments. Take notes and be ready for a reading quiz.
5. Email me 1 response from the Modernism section.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vocab Quiz this Friday

Period 1
Lesson 1

appeal-- clasp-- conspicuous-- eloquent-- exhibit-- ferry-- lofty-- pedestal-- persecute-- unveil

Lesson 2
affect-- column--decay-- exceed-- forbid-- limb-- mammoth-- mature-- permit-- tower

Lesson 3
admonish-- annihilate-- benefactor-- devious-- heed-- mortal-- pioneer-- plague-- subside-- wrath

Period 2
Lesson 1
benefit-- complete-- develop-- dismay-- ease-- hail--lack--master-- project-- remark

Lesson 2
astute-- authentic-- delicacy-- devour-- plumage-- predatory-- scavenge-- slaughter-- solitude-- vulnerable

Lesson 3
approach-- burrow-- cease-- famished-- forecast-- migrate-- nestle-- observe-- severe-- venture

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Homework 6/8/11

Period 1
Fill out the thesis and outline worksheet as best as you can knowing what you know about specific and detailed theses.

Period 3
Using your research topic list packet, pick one topic that you think is interesting enough to write a research paper on.
Then find 3 good sources on the internet and fill out the sheet for each source. Email me the links to your sources. You will get points for the worksheet and the email separately.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Homework 6/6/11

Period 1
1. Complete the Thesis Packet
2. Email me 3 simple(Basic) theses for 3 different topics (1 thesis/topic) AND 3 detailed theses for the same 3 topics you wrote simple theses for.

Period 3
1. Make sure that you have all of your quizlet sets done. I will be checking your profile for points.