Wednesday, August 12, 2009

homework 8/12/09

Period 1
  1. Read and highlight important information on the handout "Four Creation Stories"
  2. Read and highlight the story that was assigned to your group.
  3. Come up with a cool way to present the gist of the story to the class. This could be a mini-poster, drawing, song, poem, collage, etc.
  4. You will be retelling the story to the other classmates so make sure that you know it well enough to answer questions if the classmates have any.
  5. Here are some questions to guide your presentation:
  • Who is involved in the story?
  • What are they like?
  • What is the plot of the story?
  • What other interesting facts take place?

Period 3

If you had trouble with the article, reread the packet and then,

Write a paragraph that says what you can do as a student to help out the situation about history being inaccessible to most students. (How can you be proactive and help your teachers make stuff more interesting, etc. ?)

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