Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Homework 10/12/10

Period 1
1. Answer the questions to the right in the Polls section
2. Make a mini-poster that defines literature in your own words AND add 3 COLORED, HAND-DRAWN pictures to support the definition.
(you can do it on a regular, blank piece of paper, but the pictures must be in color)

Period 3
Post Week 4 Vocab Sentences


jose said...

1. It was noticeable that Sara was gravid a few months before she had a baby.
2. He acted with great gravitas in the court house.
3. I gravitate toward people who really care about me.
4. When I walked into the class, I didn't know the gravity of the class.
5. I use advil to alleviate to relieve my pain.
6. I elevate my reputation on the football.
7. The baking soda was leavening the cake by baking it.
8.Some students have levity in class when they don't care.

Brian The MoonWalker said...

1. The gravitas of the teacher voice told the boy that she was really
2. The parade gravitate the town to come watch them.
3. The gravity in outer space helps keep the spaceship up.
4. God alleviate the man suffering of pneumonia.
5. The mother of the child had to elevate him so he can be a better role model for his kids.
6. When baking cookies, the cookie dole is leavening on the cooking pan.
7. There was a lack of levity in the meeting; therefore the meeting could not go on.
8.The balloon was gravid with water.
BY: Brian Richardson

MALY said...

1)The gravitas of the situation was unbearable so I had to leave
2)When I saw her eyes my soul and heart gravitated to her very presence just to be embraced by her company
3)The gravity of the cook off was getting immense, one last dish will decide the winner
4)I decided to alleviate my brother of his ice cream cone because it gave him massive brain freeze
5)She was feeling down so i took the liberty to elevate her using my tap dancing skills
6)There where refreshments at the end of the meaning for leavening emotional leavening purposes
7)There was no levity at all during the finals, there was so much noise
8)There was a gravid silence as the man jumped out of the building screaming at the top of his lungs

Nikki's Blog said...

you usually gravitas at funerals. I was born with a gift so people usually gravitate towards me. When I'm on the field i defy the rules of gravity so to speak. some people take adorol to relieve themselves of pain. I was a private until my cub scout leader was appointed to elevate my rank. microsoft was a very complicated program until the leaving started. Some people lack levity at the appropriate times.

EMi said...

1. The snake was gravid with a rat in its belly.

2. Ms. Ramirez held herself with great gravitas in her job.

3. When the lunch bell rings the students usually gravitate towards the café.

4. They realized the gravity of the situation since they were about to fall of the cliff.

5. He was going to alleviate the problem he was having with drugs.

6. I was going to try to elevate Lizbeth since she is one of my lightest weighted friends.

7. The leavening agent in bread is yeast, since it makes it rise.

8. Ms. Ramirez doesn’t seem to like the levity in her classroom.