Monday, October 26, 2009

Homework 10/26/09

Both periods- Bring in your Outside Reading Notebook with your first entry transferred into it.

Period 1
If you haven't already turned in a typed introduction and a typed outline , you must do so. Then, begin your first. body paragraph
If you have turned in your introduction (Toya), write your 1st body paragraph

Period 3
1. Read the Commentary packet and take notes on it on a separate sheet of paper.
2. In the examples that are given, highlight the concrete details (CD).
3. Complete the diagram that was copied down in class by filling in your information for one of your body paragraphs. (TS) = Topic Sentence (CD)= Concrete Details (CM)= Commentary = opinion.
4. Write your second body paragraph and proofread your Intro and first body paragraph.

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