Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Homework 10/21/09

Period 1
Complete the Thesis worksheets. Do the stapled one first and the single sheet second.

Period 3
Look up the definition of society and in a 3/4 page response explain what it means and consists of. What is society made up from? What makes a society? What are its different parts? Then give an example of each of its parts, as it relates to your life.

Type up your introduction paragraph. EMAIL IT TO ME BY 3RD PERIOD TOMORROW.
I may not be here tomorrow.

1 comment:

LAZARO said...

The thermal in your body heats up your whole body.

The thermocline in the ocean is way deep in the ocean.

A scientist wold be the one using a themocouple.

In scince class we learned about theronuclear today.

The man who was infected with hypochondric was trying to get more information by researching it.

I hate the amount of hyprocrisy in SPA.

The temparture in the body is regualted by the hypothermis.

hypothetical speaking if we do this the results will be this.