Friday, September 25, 2009

Homework 9/25/09

Period 1
Fix your Creation Story Essay by adding new information and email me your new rough draft by Monday.

period 3
Complete the chart on the back of the Creation Myth worksheet that compares Genesis (from the Bible) with some of the creation stories that we have already read. They are both creation Myths, but how are they similar and different. What ideas do they share or not? Think about the god/s involved in the creation, the process of making things, etc.

1 comment:

Jabriel said...


RETRACTION: The year of 2009 their was a retraction in taxes for about 3 months then taxes went back up to its normal taxation.

INTRACTABLE: My little brother couldn’t run in the race because his leg was in a harsh intractable condition.

CONDUCIVE: I run a really steady company and if I want to become one of the best then I must show my employs how to be conducive and control them self’s as leaders of this company.

DEDUCTION: My mother never understood, as a girl growing up I wanted a chest deduction because I felt my chest was too big.

ADJACENT: It was clearly obvious that me and my brother would be adjacent to each no matter how much he hated me.

CONJUCTURE: Every body has clear conjecture when they put their mind to it.

DEJECTED: My mind was dejected when I found out that I was kick off the football.

TRAJACTORY: I was out side on the telescope and I witnessed a great trajectory event happen in outer space.

DETRACT: I want to detract the importance of the college course I am taking but it didn’t work.

PROTRACTED: No bodies in my school really wanted a protracted launch because they all want more time out class.