Monday, September 21, 2009

Homework 9/21/09

Period 1
1. Read the "In Harmony with Nature packet" and finish the in class notes we started last week.
2. Finish the World on Turtle's Back, Creation Myth Function Table that was started in class.

Period 3
1. Fill out the Narrative Summary Worksheet.

1 comment:

Jabriel said...

1) My mom made me give her a definitive description of what my grades are like so that i could get a new ipod for my birthday.

2) In science class we are studding insects so we had to look under the magnifying class to because there wing patters where so infinitesimal.

3) My cousin felt that his life would be infinite because the things that he has experienced.

4) I have a plan with cricket on my cellphone and it doesn't get reception, so Im going to change my plan with a different company.

5) when some one stole my wallet I didn't become incipient until I needed to bye something.

6) My leg was braking out so I showed the doctor so he could be perceptible.

7) Every one keeps telling me that I have a really big influence on my peers, so my house parents tell me to become more susceptible.

8) MY best-friend has a high affinity for food so I try to help him get over it.