Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Homework 1/20/09

Period 1
Type a response to the following prompts:
1. Aside from your difficult upbringing, do you think that you are a strong person and/or hard worker? Do you fit in with the description that President Obama gave of the citizens that built the country? Are you the incarnation of hard work and strength or are you one of the ones seeking Leisure and Fame? You must give specific examples to support your response?
2. President Obama mentioned that our country has a "Patchwork Heritage". A.)Explain what this phrase means and B.) write how the works that we have read support this idea. You may want to refer to your time lines to remember what we have read.

Period 3
1. Read pgs. 166-167
2. Answer margin questions on pg. 166-167
3. Quickwrite
Write at least ½ page in response to the following questions:
What thoughts does nature bring to your mind?What do you think is the relationship between nature and humanity?How much does nature influence you in your daily life and or your spirituality?

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