Monday, January 12, 2009

Homework 1/12/09

Period 1
Please write 1 page on the following questions:
What thoughts does nature bring to your mind?
What do you think is the relationship between nature and humanity?
How much does nature influence you in your daily life and or your spirituality?
How does your view of nature influence your thoughts on death?

Period 3
Complete the handout "Edited Text Paraphrase" using the Holt Textbook.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yohita (aka) Ana "the Princess"
Ms. Ramirez
Period 3

1) The world is polychromatic wich shows a variety of cultures.

2) The president needs to be polyglot so he can be able to communicate with other people around the world.

3) When two or more molecules combine to form a chemical reaction that is called polymer.

4) At concerts I preffered Mahler and Beethoven, but when she was working she listened only to Rennaissance polyphony.

5) My primal goal is to finish high school and then to go to college.

6) When my mother had me she wasn't a primiparous women she had other kids before me.

7) My dad wanted his primogeniture to be a boy, but a turned out to be a girl.

8) Religeous people believe that Eve and Adan were primordial in these world.