Monday, November 3, 2008

Homework 11/3/08

Period 1

Read pg. 11-19 and take one page of notes
Post vocab sentences

Period 3

Read pg. 13-19 and take 3/4 page of notes


Anonymous said...

Anna Rowell
period 1

1. My mom was ambiguous about leeting me go to the party.
2. The ambient black light showed what the police couldn't see in the regualr light.
3. I was ambivalent about doing my homework.
4. The Angels and Airwaves concert was held at the Criket Amphitheater.
5. The ephemeral sale is on November 5.
6. Ferns have epiphyte seeds that fall off after 3 weeks.
7. The epitaph on my granma's grave had a quote she lived by.
8. The choices that the girl made got her gave her the epithet "Skank Hoe".

Anonymous said...

Stacey Stevens
Period 4

1.the word was ambiguos to me because I had never heard it before.
2. The ambient tempature had been the same for months, that they didn't expect the thunder storm.
3. She was ambivalent about going to the party, until her friends told her to rebel against her parents comand to not go.
4. They had shown the play in the amphitheater until it began raining.
5. The cons of the decision were ephemeral, while the pros were long lasting.
6. The moss that had been an epiphyte ever since its species was created, was now independent.
7. On my tombstone I want my epitaph to say that I was a good friend to those I considered my friends.
8. I dubbed the guy with the epithet "Stupid Hick" because of the way he acted sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Anastacia Tucker
Peroid 1

Vocabulary Sentences

 Some people are ambiguous when it can come to telling the truth.
 The ambient speakers were inside the movie theater in order for the audience to hear the movie clearly.
 I was ambivalent when it came down to choosing my friends, thinking that most girls weren’t about drama.
 The amphitheater in Balboa Park is very amusing to go to because the actors pause when an airplane passes above.
 Saddam Hussein’s execution was only ephemeral but it will take sometime to bring the country back together.
 The orchid began its life by being an epiphyte in its life cycle.
 The epitaph about Fredrick Stalin was not as inspirational for someone who was a good Samaritan.
 “LaLa” was somewhat of a good epithet to LaKeyshia.

Anonymous said...

I’m very ambiguous when it comes to cooking and math problems.
The ambient school was about to fall down, so the county decided to replace it.
People say I’m ambivalent when it comes to my sex preference, because I compliment girls more than the usual.
The amphitheaters was a very popular place back in Rome, just like QUALCOMM is now in days.
My kidney infection was ephemeral, it lasted two weeks.
There are not many plants in the world who are epiphytes.
The epitaph on my uncles tomb read “Loving Caring Friendly Father”.
An epithet that African Americans find very offensive is “Nigger”, yet they use it among each other.

Anonymous said...

The teacher was confused when the student replied with an ambiguous answer.

The ambient tables in the restaurant were complained about because they were not properly cleaned.

After the woman was told about the requirements of a child, she was ambivalent about her decision on having children.

It is important that you remember the ephemeral joys of childhood experiences.

As a child epiphytes grew on the trees in my backyard.

The usual message written on epitaph “here lies ¬¬¬____" and the years they lived.

“Joe the brave” is an epithet of Joe Nelson.

The woman was Natasha Beningfield’s concert at San Diego’s amphitheater.

Anonymous said...

1.)The criminals ambigous answer gave the jury some facts to consider.
2.)The ambient music pounded in my ears as it surrounded the dance floor.
3.)She was ambivalent when asked about her opinion on her husbands infidelity.
4.)The King had two Amazon fighters combat in the amphitheater.
5.)The ephemeral meeting was so boring that it seemed like it was a week long.
6.)The epiphyte suffocated and strangled the tree and it died.
7.)The epitaph was located in the center of the graveyard next to my uncles resting spot.
8.)King Robert I of Scotland had an epithet at the end of his name, Robert the Bruce.

Anonymous said...

1)It's not very hard to agitate me when it comes to disturbing my education.
2)I decided to litigate to give my attorney more time to fight ny case of DUI.
3)I have a really bad prodigal problem when it comes to money.
4)I have never been inside of a synagogue before.
5)The advent of my birthday has come around quite quickly.
6)The provenance of the beginning of our sports was Coach Manning.
7)I am not venturesome, because if i feel unsafe i move away from the situation.
8)The place of venue was big, because alot of people had attended the trial hearing.

Arieanna Martinez
Period 3
November 3,2008

Anonymous said...

The vet was ambiguous on the dog's disease, to warn the rest of the vets.

The iphone was not ambient in the year 2000.

The girl was extremely ambivalent towards her boyfriend because she really didn't like him.

In the Ancient Roman days, to get out of prison, prisoners will fight wild beast in the amphitheater.

The Super Bowl was ephemeral.

A sunflower is an epiphyte.

Malcolm X has an epitaph for remembrance.

Mr.Beedle was known by the epithet "Senor Beedle".

Anonymous said...

1.I felt ambiguous about my eligibility for football season.
2.Difficulties in school, at home, and problems with my family created ambient stress.
3.The way I felt about my ex-girlfriend was ambivalent to how she felt about me.
4.I went to a Lil' Wayne concert at the Coors Ampitheater.
5.The blackout in my neighborhood was ephemeral.
6.I grew some epiphyte plants in my backyard.
7.I see some long epitaphs when I walk past the cemetary.
8.My fight at San Diego High gave me the epithet "Psycho".

Anonymous said...

[1]She was good at giving ambiguous answers.
[2]The mirrors were ambient in the whole house.
[3]She was ambivalent about having children.
[4]Warped Tour was held at the Cricket amphitheatre this year.
[5]We watched as they had their epheremal joys of childhood.
[6]They had an epiphyte on their tree.
[7]Her epitaph read "Lived life on her toes".
[8]One of my friends dubbed me the "Cocaine.Princess" becuase i am white as cocaine.

Anonymous said...

•The answer the senator gave was ambiguous.

•The fire was pressing is so close that it felt ambient.

•I used to feel ambivalent about gay rights.

•There are several hundred amphitheaters world wide.

•The war was only ephemeral.

•Epiphyte plants are parasitic.

•The graves epitaph read “in peace we move on”.

•One might say my epithet is “Wizard”.