Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Homework 4/20/11

Remember, you will be graded on your punctuality to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As I mentioned last week when we started Playwrights project, you should arrive on time so that time is not wasted and Olivia can start class promptly.

Period 1
1. Play Idea Chart
2. Highlight the important words for the statements on the Vocabulary and Comprehension sheet
3. Highlight the important words in the directions for the packet entitled, " Lesson 29 Understand Sentence Construction" and answer the questions
4. Do the other practice packet.
5. Write a 14-line scene based around testing and strategies. Make sure it is all formatted like a play and like you did for playwrights.
6. Bring in a book (going through my bookshelf DURING class doesn't count) that intend to read after you are done with testing

Period 3
1. Play Idea Chart
2. Highlight the important words for the statements on the Vocabulary and Comprehension sheet
3. Highlight the important words in the directions for the packet entitled, " Lesson 29 Understand Sentence Construction" and answer the questions
4. Bring in a book (going through my bookshelf DURING class doesn't count) that intend to read after you are done with testing

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