Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Announcements/ Homework

1. Starting today, you will be graded on your punctuality to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As I mentioned last week when we started Playwrights project, you should arrive on time so that Olivia can not waste time and start class promptly. I have already entered the points for today and, sadly, only 5 students were in class by 8:15 when the bell rings. Feel free to check the grade book to see if you were one of the 5.

2. The following people have not posted any of their quarter blogs:
Nikki, Jonathan, Robert M., Robert K, Antonia (merge your old blog and new blog), Lerontae

People that only have 1 entry:
Brook, Adolf, Marcos, Radford, Robert M, Stephen, Travonne

Homework 4/19/11
Period 1
1. Review all of the Quizlet note cards on the tab above "Testing Tips"
2. Write down which 10 words you think are most important.
3. Reread p. 22 in the most recent packet and write 7 quiz questions.
4. Then use the 7 quiz questions for the left side of Cornell notes.
5. EC: Play Idea Chart

Period 3
1.Post your response to this prompt on your own blog.
Prompt: What is your experience with taking standardized tests? Do you like or dislike them? Explain your answer. Have you ever had any positive experiences with them? Do you think they are good ways of seeing if students have learned the material or if they are smart? If not, then what ARE they good for?

2. EC: Play Idea Chart

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