Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Homework 11/9/10

Period 1
Email me why I made you write the final part of your notes. {hint: If you don't remember, look back at your notes (o_o) } What was my concluding statement regarding the final part of the notes?
If you were absent, COLLABORATE and take notes from someone and talk about the lecture. Then, email me who you spoke to and what you understood from the notes and the talk.

Period 3
Finish the Vocab Sheet
Post or email sentences
If you were absent, you should still do the sentences, if you can get them from someone and we'll get you the worksheet tomorrow.
Also, email me to tell me when you can make up the vocab quiz that you missed.


AJ said...

A.j. Gutierrez

Per.3 Homework

1.) Conducive: as the fire raged on the firefighter was conducive to help his workmates

2.) Deduction: since the shopper put something’s back onto the racks there was a deduction from the normal amount before.

3.) Induce: the young woman would induce the young boys mood the more they spent time and talked to each other.

4.) Seduction: After the roofies were slipped into the girls drink she started to fall into the seduction of an older man .

5.) Consequential: Every morning meeting was consequential do to the incident that happened on the day before.

6.) Execute: All the warriors and the prince were on their way to over through the king for his bad ruling habits and rules.

7.) Obsequious: The little boy was obsequious at the party since he knew that it was a formal party with not that many kids as all the other parties that he has gone to.

8.) Sequential: Middle school fights were sequential in the girls life because of the dram that always went on around her school.

Brian The MoonWalker said...

1. He found the map conducive to finding his way back home.
2. By do to the deduction, they found out who was the real killer which was Chris Denning.
3. Harry Potter has sequential books.
4. We induce him to steal the apple of the teacher.
5. The class did project on seduction from breaking news.
6. The meeting was consequential and no one expect Ms. Ramirez, the responsible one.
7. The only way to execute him to find his weakness.
8. He is obsequious of his moms orders.
by brian r