Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As of now, you should have a SCENE 1 and SCENE 2 composed of your play. If for whatever reason you do not- FINISH THEM AND SCENE 3 by Thursday the 4th. This means, that your Final Draft of your 3-scene play should be completed by this class. You may e-mail me, as always at if you would like me to edit or give suggestions to your work thus far. For those of you how have not completed Scene 1 and 2 I would STRONGLY suggest sending me these before class on Thursday so I can give you notes.
As far as structure is concerned, this is what should be turned in on Thursday. I will dock points accordingly if the assignment is not complete:
Title Page.
Scene 1 (Complete with At Rise/ list of characters)
Scene 2 (Also with at rise/ list of characters)
Scene 3 (Once again, at rise/ list of characters)
This MUST be typed.
What should occur in Scene 3: The completion of the climax. Did your main character overcome their obstacle’s? If so, how? If not, why not? Give the audience the understanding of what this character went through in this story. Have they learned anything? Is life going to be ok? Once again, this is YOUR story. You have the ability to make it what you want out of it.
Finally, this is your last chance. This was not20an assignment based on the finish product, you were of course graded in each class, but the finished product is worth the most points, so if you complete it with all of the elements that were REQUIRED to go into the piece, you can gain major points here.
Please utilize me, and ask for help if you need it.

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