Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homework 3/10/09

Period 1
1. Post vocabulary Sentences
2. Type up the content of your outline sheet. Print two copies. If you'd like, you may print one of the copies in my classroom.

Period 3
Read Devil and Tom Walker on pg. 153


Anonymous said...

Cody Vannatter

Certain teachers pick certain kids to abrogate because of poor effort even though they have good things to say.

I arrogate the right to your money right now.

some baseball players are very derogatory towards others.

Police think they have prerogative rights of the road, such as speeding on the freeway and running red lights.

you can not have an inquisition about someone unless you know its true.

i got a perquisite or bonus today.

i am very acquisitive to play baseball.

i make requisitions all the time but they never get fulfilled.

Anonymous said...

1. Abraham Lincoln decided to abrogate slavery when he became president.
2. The teacher decided to arrogate my cell phone even when I wasn't using it.
3. I don't like it when guys make derogatory remarks about women.
4. Being a vegetarian is my prerogative.
5. The prosecutor's inquisition made the witness tell the truth.
6. My job doesn’t pay enough to get perquisites.
7. Thinking with an acquisitive mind set won't get you very far in life.
8. I put in a requisition for a shoe rack every week because I have too many pairs.

Anonymous said...

1)I had to agrogate the rule that allows eating in class for cleaning purposes
2) I arrogated the piece of candy because I wanted it so bad
3)I got kicked out of class because I used derogatory language
4)using the prerogative to speek I protested agaist abortion
5)The requisition to have my house was unavoidable and i was out by teusday
7)I was very aquisitive to get all my gifts on christmas man was I grateful

Anonymous said...

1] Calling a girl fat could be considered both derogatory and sexual harassment.
2] I hate it when females abrogate you after an argument.
3] Hitler was arrogating Germany when he seized power.
4] It is my prerogative to get an A+ in English, because I am Ms. Ramirez's favorite student.
5] When the Police interrogate a suspect, they often use inquisition.
6] King Midas was an acquisitive person.
7] In addition to my $100,000 salary, a perquisite that i liked most was my blanket.
8]I hate having to submit a requisition to get my needed supplies.

Anonymous said...

Hope Flores

Lincoln decided to abrogate slavery.

The English decide to abrogate what is now the U.S.

Rappers are infamous for using derogatory terms for women.

Music is most definitely my prerogative.

My teacher’s inquisition was about my voice, I felt like I never wanted to sing again.

A major perquisite is a nice house in the suburbs, 2.5 kids and a Volvo.

The acquisitive insurance agent took the money with pleasure.

I had a requisition to get a bass I hope it doesn’t fail.

Anonymous said...

*The new program director tried to arrogate the manager’s control.
*The celebrity gossip shows usually make derogatory comments about celebrities.
*The principal of the school has prerogative over the students.
*The new student would cause the teacher to abrogate the class.
*In order for his daughter to go on a date he gave her boyfriend a little inquisition.
*Going to Ireland was her perquisite for selling so many houses.
*John is really acquisitive according to his obsession with buying over expensive products.
*Many students at San Pasqual Academy make several requisitions for supplies.

Anonymous said...

•Some people try to abrogate the fact that there was a Holocaust.
•I wonder if any president has ever tried to arrogate a state.
•Today at the softball game the coach from the other team was making derogatory statements about our team players.
•Students believe that it’s a prerogative for one to get self-passes.
•I wish that girls didn’t have to get a physical exams, I find it to be an inquisition to some of our past.
•There are some people that can be very acquisitive when it comes to food.
•When my parents tell me to do something they tell me to do it with a requisition.
•The reason Hope got the job is because of the perquisites that she was going to obtain such as dental care.

Myra Curiel

Anonymous said...

Belen Gomez P.1

Prison security abrogate the people in the cells, specially when they are whining or complaining.

Adolph Hitler tried to arrogate the jews and Kill them all of, for no particular reason.

Many people in SPA use derogatory language towards one another to defend themselves.

The president is prerogative when it comes down to making the laws.

The woman said she got raped but the other lawyer made inquisitions about her being a prostitute.

All these perquisites such as new cars and many plane trips came along with my mentor's job.

The bum became more acquisitive because this couple had encouraged him to come beg for food at their house.

A requisition we have been demanding at this school is for extended self passes.

Anonymous said...

1.) My inquisition about the stolen car was not heard as a fight broke out.
2.) One perquisite the woman received from the divorce was gaining custody of the children.
3.) The blacksmiths acquisitive daughter went to the ball under false pretenses to find a wealthy suitor.
4.) I had to submit a requisition to Beth to get my guinea pig.
5.) The couple wanted to abrogate their marriage because they were unsuitable.
6.) My uncle wanted to arrogate the ownerless property despite that it wasn’t his to take.
7.) We are not allowed to use derogatory language in our classrooms.
8.) The king’s prerogative is that he has a higher power that gives him more rights than others.

Anonymous said...

if you give someone the cold shoulder you abrogate them.

several people have tried to arrogate from me because they thought i stole from them.

don't make derogatory marks towards my friends!

having self pass is a prerogative right.

interrogation is one step higher than inquisition.

some people have perquisite homes and cars.

it is in human nature to be acquisitive.

the requisition for more gold was denned.