Thursday, October 2, 2008

Homework 10/2/08

Period 1
1.Read Maya Angelou Narrative
2. Write 1/2 page minimum response about it
- What did you think about it? Did you like it?
- Can you relate to this? why or why not?
- How did it make you feel?
Period 3
1. Answer the 3 questions in the Active Reading section.
2. Make a chart like the reader's notebook one and fill in each of the columns.
3. Write 1/2 page minimum response about it
- What did you think about it? Did you like it?
- Can you relate to this? why or why not?
- How did it make you feel?


Anonymous said...

The prodigal son was venturesome in his studies. He learned the provenance of the synagogue. It is the center of the Jewish worship communal life. He also learned first handedly that if he continously agitated a person in high society that he would be taken to a venue if that particular person chose to letigate.

Anonymous said...

Josh was a boy that was quite venturesome and who chose to be a prodigal about it. What he had knew was that there was to be a venue held at a synagogue. He decided to arrive at this advent just to agitate the crowd. He was such a disturbance, the members of this temple were deciding to letigate.