Friday, October 10, 2008

Homework 10/10/08

Period 1
1. Create vocabulary sentences and post on the blog.
2. read "Spunk" by Zora Neale Hurston
3. Read the poems "My City" and "Any Human to Another"
4. Answer questions at the bottom of pg. 941 and the top of 943 ( #1 and comprehension check)

Period 3
1. Read " How it feels to be colored me"
2. Write a 1/2 page response.
3. Study for Vocabulary quiz
- this quiz was intended for last Monday. BE PREPARED.


Anonymous said...

Vocabulary Sentences
by A.T

•The reception for the family reunion was filled with happiness by the guests.
•The woman had an incipient feeling leaving her children behind with a nanny.
•Her feelings towards him were perceptible to him, that she didn’t love him.
•Her actions to the committee were susceptible to the community as a result.
•Instead of mourning the affinity in her heart just told her to let go.
•The book had a definitive meaning to it.
•Her lungs were infinitesimal for her body when she was born.
•Numbers can go on forever but the human race only uses a finite amount of numbers.

Anonymous said...

Vocab sentances
by C.V.
The wedding reception went well at first but fell apart after uncle tom got upset because his wife divorced him two months earlier.

After the fullback got tackled he felt incipient pains in his wrist, which later turned out to be a sprained wrist.

His feelings toward her were very perceptible to others but not her.

Teenagers are very susceptible to peer pressure these days.

Her affinity ment nothing to him.

The definitive score for the baseball teem was 3 to 6.

All viruses are so infinitestimal that you need a microscope to see them.

I believe the universe is finite.

Anonymous said...

vocab. sent.
by M.F

The wedding reception went off without a hich untill the groom steped on the bride's train.

The incipient actor's career manager was already thinking of the end.

The womans thoughts were perceptible to everyone around her.

Even the youngest babe was suseptible to the dark cloud of terror that covered the land.

Everyone who has met or seen another is connected by the web of affinitys.

The prophecy was definitive when it called for the Hero's death.

Compared to Existence, Earth in infintesimal.

Nothing, in all of Existence, is finite.

Anonymous said...

•When my brother Adam was born, he was born infinitesiminal. Doctors thought he wasn’t going to make it.
•My mom was very definitive when she said were where her finite.
•Every year my family has a reception, in order for family to come together.
•It was incipient that my cousin was a smoker.
I’m very susceptible that isn’t very good to me.
•My mom said “In order to have a affinity, I think you should know each other better”
•It was perceptible that my aunt was pregnant for a while now.

Anonymous said...

The school's definitive decision was to buy new books for the school.

The scientist used a microscope to discover an infinitesimal insects.

The NBA's dress code was finite.

The reception for the graduation was loud and long.

The cashier became incipient happy because of the sales in the store.

The black shirt was perceptible on a white wall.

The lion was susceptible towards the buffalo.

My affinity towards women and basketball are equal.

Anonymous said...

-The incipient actor waited for his audition.
-The funeral reception was mourningful.
-After being married to his wife for 30 years,david was perceptively losing feelings for his wife.
-If you grow up around drug addicts your susceptible to become one
-Her affinity for the dog caused her to take it to the animal hospital.
-George Bush's definitive solution to catching Saddam Hussein didn't work very well.
-Her self-esteem was infinitesimal because all the skinny girls made fun of her.
-Having good luck is finite.

Anonymous said...

Sherry became susceptible to a man named James.
Sherry’s wedding reception was held at a very extravagant hotel.
As Sherry was in the process of getting married, she felt the incipient panic.
By joining their lives, Sherry was quite perceptible to what was happening.
Joe’s theory was very definitive with stating that humans are finite.
The forensic scientist had found evidence that was so infinitesimal they passed by it several times.
Jamey had an affinity to penguins and love that she changed the world.

Anonymous said...

At the wedding reception, the new bride was susceptible to the ex girlfriend's perceptible malice. She was weary of the incipient ragebuilding below the surface. The ex's affinity to cause a scandle was finite cut caused more than infintesimal damage. The groom gave her one last definitive farewell.

Anonymous said...

The packet she gave us was the definitive biography of Andrew Jackson.

The weather from yesterday to today changed to an infinitesimal degree.

The family attended the woman’s wedding reception.

The incipient cold soon turned into pneumonia.

After returning home, her parents saw a perceptible change in her attitude.

The woman was capable of taking the susceptible to various amounts of treatments.

Our natural recourses aren’t unlimited, their finite.

Molly’s affinity for people gave her a good reputation.