Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Homework 3/30/10

Period 1
Read the lesson 8 packet and take notes, esp. on the reasons the colonists wanted a revolution.
Post vocab sentences

Period 3
Post vocab sentences
Study both Virginia Convention packet and Declaration of Independence for 2 quizzes tomorrow.


Kristana said...

The milk container was measured in liters which is the metric system.

I can tell that someone has driven the car because the odometer shown the mileage on the head board.

A drawling of a heart is symmetrical because if you cut it in half the halves would be identical.

My father likes to see how far he can push the engine on the tachometer.

Ketchup is a complement of mustard on a hotdog.

Basketball practice depleted me of energy.

The girls club is implemented the fundraiser plain.

My bathroom is replete with beauty and hygiene products.

POKEY said...

1.In relationships opposite personalities complement each other.

2.When someone smokes cannabis they deplete their natural neurotransmitters.

3.When presenting an issue it is helpful to implement a solution.

4.The media is replete with false or misleading information.

5. The metric units of temperature are Celsius.

6.My mom noticed the odometer after we traveled from San Diego to Utah.

7.All geometric figures are symmetrical.

8.Watch you tachometer so that your engine doesn’t burn out.

Robert Rowe said...

1. The complement needed was a perfect dose to kill the shark.
2. I will have to deplete the cool aid to make Henry mad
3. I will first have to implement a way to get the cool aid from Henry.
4. I had to replete the cup of cool aid so that Henry wouldn't beat my ass.
5. The metric measurements were precise.
6. The car odometer showed that we traveled really far.
7. The shape of the sun is symmetrical.
8. The special tachometer on the air craft showed that we were going at the speed of light.

Abby said...

1. In a human body bones is a necessary complement to be able to move.
2. I had a whole glass of milk and after ten minutes it was depleted because I was thirsty.
3. My teacher was called by my mom to discuss how to implement the new tactics for me to get my grades up.
4. The history book replete with information on the Cold War was very helpful for my project.
5. Metric units such as milligrams and kilometers are very hard for me to learn.
6. I watched the odometer to see how far my mom's house is.
7. People say their face is symmetrical but it isn’t because if it was we would have two right sides of the face.
8. A tachometer is helpful when you are driving because if a cop is around and you notice that you are driving too fast you can slow down until the needle gets to the speed limit.

Catalina said...

Catalina Martinez
Vocab. Sentences week 23
1. When I was younger my questions often served as a necessary complement to rationale.
2. During the great depression the low wage paying jobs given to African Americans depleted as the economy did.
3. When both Obama and McCain were running for president said they would do anything in their power to implement a change in America.
4. The majority of people enjoy summer vacations in San Diego, replete with sunny skies, beautiful beaches, and awesome museums.
5. When I was in the sixth grade our teacher made sure I understood the metric system; that included liters, milligrams, and kilometers to understand math problems assigned to me.
6. My dad always told advised me to check a car’s odometer before I purchased it.
7. Experts believe that to be truly beautiful or to be considered beautiful; people have to have a perfectly symmetrical face which impossible known to the fact that no one is perfect.
8. My brother usually keeps a good eye in the tachometer so the engine won’t blow out.

bryan 69 II said...

The noisy boy’s complement would a quite girl.

When you smoke Marijuana your neural-transmitters get depleted.

It was clear that April was having difficulties implement the process of getting good grades.

Joe was replete with excitement due to family going to Disney Land.

The standard unit of length in the metric system is the meter.

Jimmy’s odometer was dysfunctional therefore he was unaware of the miles he’d traveled during his trip to Los Angeles.

The epitome or incarnation of beauty would a symmetrical well appealing face.

The tachometer read 70 mph. It was clear that it was broken and instead was supposed to read 34 mph.

Jose said...

Jose Alvarado
1.Sugar is usually the complement of coffee.
2.Jaslene struggles under standing metric units because in Mexico the only metric unit used was kilograms where as in the United States liters, and milligrams are also used.
3.I didn't have a spoon to use, so I am going to implement and use a fork.
4.My notebook was replete with notes from my science book.
5.Sweat can deplete the body water and can cause dehydration.
6.Most people think we have symmetrical bodies, but its false we don’t.
7.A car has an odometer installed in every car, which its important to look at it when you are buying a car.
8.A purpose to use a tachometer is to tell the driver if the car is passing the speed limit.

Jabriel said...

In an aggresstive mind set violence tends to serves as a unnessary comlement in an act.

When the sun beams down on the earth it tends to deplete the water in order for it to rian.

As President of key club it took alot to discuss what was going to be implemented on the younger members.

SPA has a great repleted source of vegitables.

Metric units tend to help me alot.

The odometer was created to messure how far something travles.

Today in class we disscussed that if a persons face was completly symetric then people would look different.

I diidnt know what a tachometer was untill today.

marquise said...

John used the metric system to measure how long his car was.

Kate had went and bought a odometer earlier.

The car was cut in a symmetrical way that made it possible for them to look the same.

There is a tachometer in Mr.Litoffs's car.

The boy had a very complement mind when it came to building cars.

The amount of ice in alaska is starting to deplete because of global warming.

john began to implement the practices of baptism into his life.

The amount of water that was lost in Africa was replete after there was a rain storm.

LAZARO said...

My aunt always put too much salt in her soup so she complimented it with a little bit more of soup.

My mother back was delete from all those years of hard work she did.

The women wanted to implement her new skateboard and the way she rode it.

The man was replete with a life time of hamburgers so he would never die of starvation.

The metric is based on arranging in meters.

The odometer can be in a car.

A symmetrical person would look really weird according to Ms. Ramirez.

My tachometer will be flying threw 100 in according 3.6 seconds.

Alexis_H said...

1.In order for me complement the tank with clean water I had to pour out the bad water.
2.In order to deplete the rest of the soil we had to plant more plants in our backyeard.
3.To make sure that my sister and I were doing the right thing we had to implement everything out.
4.I had a replete amount of chocolate.
5.When I do math in class we have to do a lot of metric problems.
6.Ms.Ramirez was explaining to us what exactly an odometer was and what they were used for.
7.If the human's body was symmetrical then it would look really awkward.
8.The tachometer is important to have because it tell the driver how fast the engine is going.

TedraMc. said...

Tedra McNair
Period, 3
1.)Complement: She felt that the shoes she saw in the mirror were a necessary complement to her shirt at home.

2.)Deplete: Drugs and alcohol deplete your neurotransmitter which is much needed for daily function.

3.)Implement: Teachers at SPA have finally figured out how to implement a policy for kids not doing their homework. It’s called, ‘7th Period’.

4.)Replete: When I went to her house, I saw that her closet was replete of an endless amount of shoes and clothes.

5.)Metric: They were told to only use 5 metric units of sodium in the soda-pop, but instead they out ten, causing a huge explosion.

6.)Odometer: I was upset because the prize inside of the cereal box was an odometer. As if I want to measure the distance I travel instead of having an awesome toy.

7.)Symmetrical: When I folded the heart in half. It was equal, making both sides symmetrical.

8.)Tachometer: I had to take my car to the shop because my tachometry was broken.

Latoya said...

8 Sentences
1. They complement he made towards me was very nice.
2. After I took money out the bank my account was depleted.
3. Because many students do not do their homework Mr. Major will implement a seven period class.
4. The pantry was replete of food.
5. I propose that we use the metric system whenever possible.
6. Most cars these days have digital odometers.
7. His body will become more symmetrical.
8. The fan's tachometer output enables the alarm module to monitor the speed of the fans.

Dulce Karina. said...

The song was metrical to the audience.

I used the odometer to see how long it would take me to run all three bases.

It is hard to make symmetrical flowers im art, but I do them anyway.

That boy is going to need a tachometer to see how he gets my heart going.

The tapatio was the complement of my soup.

I had to deplete the sugar in our koolaid cause kids tend to get crazy.

They had to implement wages.

The cake replete with chocolate was heaven.