Friday, February 13, 2009

Homework 2/13/09

Period 1
Post Vocabulary Sentences for week 19

Period 3
Post Vocabulary Sentences for week 15


Anonymous said...

Aneshia Watson
Ms. Ramirez
English 11
Period 3
1.when people are dealing with machines, they are concurrent.
2.some people think that english homework is cursory over the weekend.
3.when i write essay's, i write discursive topics and my teacher gets upset.
4.precursor earthquakes sometimes happens randomly.
5.Barrack Obama had expedient people vote for him. workers need to find time to expedite people's personal issues.
7.sometimes people on this campus have a hard time with impediment progress.
8.when people are homeless, they find some pedestrian place to live.

Anonymous said...

•Was James Monroe the protagonist for the play “Step by Step”?
•I don’t get why we have to have a protocol of our birth certificates?
•We need water so the protoplasm’s in our bodies can survive.
•The first prototype of the typewriter was in 1864.
•I wish my room had an antechamber, that way I could go in there whenever I don’t want to be bothered.
•Most students usually antedate their homework so it can make them look good.
• I need to get out of SPA antemeridian.
•It is said that the time machine is an anterior.

myra c.

Anonymous said...

1)The protagonist of the play was obviously red riding hood
2)The protocol of my birth certificate was lost in the fire
3)when I exploded the science experiment protoplasm went everywhere
4)The prototype of the new model loooked cool but was a little over imaginative
5)The antechamberof my house has been so dirty since the maid passed away
6)the antedate of the new movie was Janurary 17 2004
7)after the ante meridiem my family went ice skateing
8)the anterior of the van was ment to catch the costumers eye and also to protect the costumer

Anonymous said...

week 19..

1. The protagonist in the story was Robin Hood.
2. The cops had to follow a certain protocol in order to do their job right.
3. Without protoplasms we wouldnt be alive.
4. During the meeting we used the prototype to show them what it was like before.
5. Our house has an antechamber.
6. There are museums that hold artifacts that antedate World War II.
7. She always had a hard time not drinking ante meridiem.
8. When he got on the train he was offered a seat in the anterior.

Anonymous said...

chelsea murphy
period 3
1.When things tend to be concurrent many things go wrong.
2.When my sister had a science project for school it was cursory.
3.When my brother tends to not like many things he tends to be discursive.
4.When lalen and I broke into a house, lalen was the precursor.
5.My mom and dad are expedient.
6.When the bell rang to go to class I had to expedite.
7.Many indivisuals around the U.S teand to have trouble with impediment.
8.Around the U.S mc donalds is known as an pedestrian.

Anonymous said...

Edward is the protagonist of the book Twilight, which was last years Best Seller.

The staff followed the exact protocol for distributing medication.

He is a prototype of a successful student.

The children were held in the antechamber before entering the nurses office.

The boy antedated his paper for three days before it was due, which caused confusions amongst the teacher.

An ante meridiem meal is usually called "brunch".

Braces are usually placed at the anterior part of the mouth.

Anonymous said...

Charley is the protagonist in charley in the chocolate factory.

The police is required by law to fallow proper protocol when arrestung some one.

In physical science you learn alot about protoplasms and how these cells are neccesary to live.

Goverment officials use the consitution as a prototype to make sure rights are not vioalted.

During the movie Hanzel and Greddel the witch hid there bodfies in her antchamberso there bodies cant be found.

In my thearpy seccion I always end up wating in her antedate as she finnishes up with her previous clients.

Sunday service is concendered antemeridian because its an event that starts before noon.

The anterior of my car is leather because its the firdt thing peopel look at .

Anonymous said...

1)When I watch T.V I use the electrical cord, that is concurrent to the DVD player to get power.

2)Just because me and my cousin wanted to go out with some friends, we gave the house a cursory clean.

3)Last Sunday, I had a long and discursive conversation with my cousin.

4) In the war movies, they always have precursors; to let the other army know that the enemy army is coming.

5) When me and my friends argue, they always want to find a expedient answer to their problem.

6)I'm always trying to expedite my full limits of becoming a successful human being.

7)If I ever ran into an impediment person, that messes with my money, is going to have to disappear from my life physically.

8)The pedestrian writer always seen the dark side of every human being.

- Ray Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

Batman was the protagonist in the cartoon.
In the system, your Social worker keeps all of your protocols.
The protoplasm in both humans and plants is cell membranes.
The Hybrid was the prototype for the start of eclectic cars.
In the hospital, if your not dying in the next five minutes, you are waiting in the antechamber.
Teachers usually antedate homework assignments before actually assigning them.
Around ante meridiem, when I get hungry I have brunch.
The internet was after the anterior computer.

Anonymous said...

1. The hero is always the protagonist.
2. S.P.A has a strict protocal with how they want things run.
3. In biology you learn more about protoplasms and how they work and what they do.
4. Before you invent something you have to make a prototype to show how it works.
5. The antechamber to the babies room was a nursing station.
6. The antedate on the tea set went back to WWI.
7. I don't like to wake up in the ante meridiem time period.
8. I wolud like to sit in the anterior area of the plane.

Anonymous said...

1.) In the movie Hercules, Hercules is the protagonist.
2.) The Kyoto Protocol sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
3.) Tiny bits of protoplasm are found in vertebrate blood.
4.) The prototype of the robot did not turn out the way it was supposed to.
5.)Gray waited in the antechamber for his wife to finish dressing.
6.) When writing a historical letter for class, we must antedate them.
7.) Ante meridiem is abrievietes a.m..
8.) The President Of the U.S.A. was located at the anterior of the train.

Anonymous said...

1. When I first got i had to sign a bunch of papers, and I didn't get a protocol of any of them.
2. When I go on pass I use my room as an antechamber.
3. The first prototype of an expensive basketball shoe the Nike Air Jordan 1.
4. When I graduate I'm leavin S.P.A. antemeridian.
5. Oprah Winfrey was the protagonist in the movie "The Color Purple".
6. When I was in middleschool my teachers antedated our project so that we would'n't procrastinate.
7. Plants need water so the protoplasms in their cell can survive.
8. In the 20's a lot of anterior machines were invented.

Anonymous said...

in harry potter daniel raddcifle plays the protaganist harry potter.

the protocal should be safe for everyone.

ghosts are suposed to leave a protoplasm goo behind but how can they, they're immaterial creatures.

the proto type of my invention works better than the fished product but the output is really radioactive.

the antechamber is so large you could fit a moutain in it.

i usually antedate my work.

i want to leave school antemeridian.

rosa parks refused to sit in the prostior and insted sat in the anterior.

Anonymous said...

Yohita Mendez

1) When the judge gives a killer concurrent life sentences the killer has to do them all at the same time.

2) I some times read my homework for Ms. Ramirez cursory because I put to much attention to other things.

3) Ms.Ramirez likes to have long discursive and descriptive talks with us during class.

4) Before a great earthquake a precursor earthquake comes that is not as big as the main one.

5) During slavery time white people did expedient punishment towards/ black people, when they didn't deserve it.

6) To expedite my learning of the multiplication table my dad gave me a day to learn them and if I didn't learn them he was going to beat the crap -out of me.

7) My impediment to work, get a bank account, or a driver's license are my documents.

8) I don't like people that are pedestrian, which means they have no imagination and are to ordinary.

Anonymous said...

1) The diving routines were concurrent.
2) I took a cursory glance at the directions so I didn't do so well on the project.
3) I write discursive notes to people because it's hard to focus on one thing.
4) Uncontrolled high blood pressure is often a precursor to heart disease.
5) It is more expedient to travel by plane than to drive long distances.
6) He tried to expedite his essay by cutting down the amount of breaks he was taking.
7) My cousin's speech impediment causes him to stutter uncontrollably.
8) The pedestrian writing of the student's annoys Ms. Priester.

Kassy Cannon
Period 3