Thursday, December 18, 2008

Homework 12/18/08

Period 1
Write a skit with a dialogue that reflects the conflict between the colonists and England.

Period 3
Read the packet that was given to you and be ready for a reading quiz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1.) There has been no credence on urban legends.
2.) The actors in the movie Twilight did a creditable job.
3.) My credulity is easy to get passed and that makes me very gullible.
4.) I made a creed that I would not use any Vanity for the next year.
5.) I wrote an affidavit that I would not poach on the King’s land.
6.) People who do not raise their hand in class and do not speak up are diffident people.
7.) I have a fiduciary responsibility to take care of my pet.
8.) The man’s perfidy did not win him any good points with his wife.