Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Homework 10/6/10

Period 1
1. Study for vocab quiz#2 [even after my announcement no one scheduled their make up quiz date for quiz #1]
2. Email me responding to the following prompt
Think back to the quizzes that you've taken in class and the questions I have asked. Describe to me what type of questions I usually ask or like to ask and what you can do to prepare for Friday's Imperialism/Colonialism Quiz taking the aforementioned information into account.

Period 3
1. Finish English Class Quickwrite
2. Draw Vocabulary Pictures for Week 3 vocab (8 words only)
3. Begin on Extra Credit Project --> Due Friday

English Class Class Quickwrite
Now that you have been in this class for 10 weeks, what have you found to be the hardest thing about passing the class?
Name at least two obstacles or challenges in the task of being successful in class.
What do you intend on doing differently next quarter? What suggestions do you have in order to improve the class?



SAM TruTrini said...

Samantha Arjoon 10-7-10
When my Brother went to college he decided that he would major in criminology.

The SDPD is trying they’re hardest to decriminalize the streets of San Diego.

Showing Beverly’s fingerprints on the hammer was enough to incriminate her for killing her husband.

There was a lot of recrimination when Derek told Meredith she was ugly and had a big face.

Congress’ approbation of the 14th Amendment caused people from the south to go crazy.

Christina tried to disprove the comment that Izzy made know to the rest of the hospital.

Owen’s probity showed Christina that he was being true to her.

The reprobate decided to turn his life around, but first he had to apologize to those who he did wrong.

Jared said...

Week 4 words 10/7/10

(1)Criminology: Susan studied criminology at SDSU, in order to fulfill her dreams.

(2)Decriminalize: John's brother filed for a plea bargain in order to decriminalize his background.

(3)Incriminate: The other boys tried to incriminate Harry by playing a video of him dancing with his grandma.

(4)Recrimination: Molly made an attempt to reincriminate her exroommate, for the embarrassment she'd put her through.

(5)Approbation: Little did she know, her father had made prior approbation to the decision she'd made about the man she wanted to marry.

(6)Disprove: She quickly tried to disprove that it "wasn't what it looked like," when she was spotted witht the girls boyfriend in the pool.

(7)Probity: He showed much probity toward her, in order to prove he was a "good guy."

(8)Reprobate: He tried to come across as a gentlemen, but he was clearly reprobate.

The Dream Team! said...

Vocabulary Words (Crim, Prob/Prov)

Probation officers study criminology deeply.

To decriminalize is to indirectly harm others, for example, gambling.

The fingerprints on the gun and the blood on the floor was more than enough evidence to incriminate the gang.

My sister made a recrimination against me when her bracelet went missing.

As I scored 20 points in a basketball game all of my coaches and teammates gave me strong approbations.

When the student copied and pasted false information the teacher disproved him by showing him the correct information in the book.

when money went missing in my house probity was fully given by myself and most of my other peers.

The reprobate of Lebron James bugs many athletes and fans of the NBA.

Anonymous said...

Week 3 Vocabulary Sentences

Criminology - Ms. Becknell inspired me to slightly consider criminology in college.

Decriminalize - Those who committed a true crime sometimes are decriminalized.

Incriminate - It sad when a person who has committed a murder ended up having not enough evidence to incriminate them.

Recrimination - Recriminations tend to get disputes no where, and they can lead to unnecessary fights.

Approbation - Fueled By Ramen, my agents, my personal manager, my accountant, my mentor, my band-mates, and Kim attended my celebration for the approbation to be signed to a major record label company.

Disprove - I will disprove those who claim they know me, who are good people that degrade my goals.

Probity - One of my pet peeves are people who cannot follow on probity, which leads to annoying and unnecessary problems.

Reprobate - Is a person who is believe to be a reprobate, truly a bad person?