Monday, August 16, 2010

Homework 8/13/10

Period 1
Comment to this post by telling me what you think is your MOST effective time management technique. Think of something you do that really has shown results for your ability to manage time. How do you stay on task? What would you recommend to other students so that they can stay on task?

Period 3
Email me what integrity is and how much of it you think you have. Note: This is also an exercises to show me how much integrity you have, because you have to be honest when you talk about how honest you are. It would be dishonest for you to lie about how honest you are. :)
It must be at least 6-10 sentences.


Anonymous said...

The time management skill that I use most consistently is studying for at least for one hour each day, quitting any extra-curricular activities that distract me from my work,and calling for help when I need it.

The Dream Team! said...

I highly recommend a hobby or a calender. I have both. Basketball keeps me on task, motivates me to do my work, and keep my grades up in school so that I can continue playing. Also, I have a planner that is full with my basketball schedule and homework as well as time to study. This is great time management because it plans out my week. My work schedule is also in my planner.

Unknown said...

Samantha Arjoon period 1

The word discipline, to me, means that you are forced to do something. And with me I do not have to force myself to do my work. I know I have to if I want to reach my goal. My goal is to help my unfortunately, poor mother who lives in Trinidad. She is my motivation, and I don't need anything else but her.However, I do admit I have some trouble being on time. That is why I have an alarm. I'm not necessarily late to school but I am to work. This is something I have to keep working at.

Anonymous said...

Well, my most important trait is to wear lots of clothing to remind me of the anguish that my ancestors faced in an attempt to try and improve upon the failures of the last generation by doing my homework.

Ms. Ramirez said...

For me, in order to stay on task I must be alone or around people who are studing. I like to have music on in my room, it makes me focus. Sometimes, other times I sit at my desk with a bowl of fruit and dont get up unless I'm done with all my work.

For other students, I would recomment to be mature and honest to your self when it come to doing homework. If you klnow that you cant be doing your homework with all your friends than take a step up and move. I say it because my freshman year I would sit with my friend up at the cafe for study hour and I honestly never quite got my work done. I was always talking and couldn't consentrate. Finally, my sophomore year I started doing my work in my room and my grade honestly improved so much. Being able to be honest to yourself and know when to take a break to focus on yourself really helps.

Ms. Ramirez said...

My time management is to get up at 6:30 am to get ready for school, after school i have to get all my hw done before 7 pm so that i could watch my novela and then i have all my free time after 7. Before i used to come home and watch television all day and NEVER go outside. so in the beginning of this year i felt that i needed to lose some weight and do my all my work if i want to relax for my senior year, so i decided to do my schedule according to how much homework i had. So far it's been a good change in my life and i feel better every day when i turn in my homework. However i know that it's not always going to work like on Friday's i get excited about pass and forget to do my homework and i do it last minute which is bad.To the other students i would recommend to stay on task and concentrate on school before anything else because I'm sure that in the future it will be worth it and we don't have to be super seniors.

Jessica_Galkoski said...

For me, the most effective time management technique is to have a planner/agenda so you can visualize what you need to get done. From there, you can decided when you are going to do the things you need to. I do this, for example when I have all my homework written down I number them from what is going to take me longer to quick and easy (1,2,3). I recommend that other kids should find what ever fits them best and work with it.

Anonymous said...


What I do for time management is that I think about every event before I do the things I havfe to do. Also what I sometimes do I plan every event I do for that day ann i just fallow my schedule for the events I have going on that day.

Ms. Ramirez said...

My most effective time management skill is when I multitask all of my homework. Most people aren't good at multitasking but I find it rather easy. I do half of all my homework during school then I do the rest later so I can be done with everything. I think multitasking is very easy and it helps me get the job done much quicker than if I wouldn't have taken a small break in between.